Custome Profile UI

Doctoral Degree

2018 - 2022

Evianita Dewi Fajrianti

S3 Informatics and Communication
HTML tutorial

Augmented Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision
Research Topic
A Study of Indoor Navigation Systems Using Unity and Smartphone for User Ambulation

Amma Liesvarastranta Haz

S3 Information and Communication
HTML tutorial

NLP, audio transcription, summarization, and text generation
Research Topic
A study of Automatic Online Meeting Note Generation

Yohanes Yohanie F. P.

S3 Information and Communication
HTML tutorial

IoT, Microservices, Spatial analysis, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing
Research Topic
Design and Implementation of IoT Application Server Platform

Master's Degree

2018 - 2022

Agus Prayudi

S2 Electrical Engineering
HTML tutorial

Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Software Engineering, Blockchain
Research Topic
Implementation of Multi Extension in Smart IoT PLatform

Oktafian Sultan Hakim

S2 Informatics Engineering
HTML tutorial

Internet of Things, Blockchain, Front-End, Enterprise Resource Planning.
Research Topic
Blockchain Implementation For Smart Buildings

Kirana Hanifati

S2 Informatics Engineering
HTML tutorial

Mixed Reality, WebXR, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality
Research Topic
Implementation of Intelligence Mixed Reality for Supporting Educational Field and Giving Immersive Experience to Students

Ilyas Yudhistira K.

S2 Informatics Engineering
HTML tutorial

Artificial Intelligence, Object Recognition, OpenDrone Map
Research Topic
Tree Detection and Parameter Extraction for Mangrove Health Analysis using YOLO and OpenDroneMap

Rafly Arief Kanza

S2 Informatics Engineering
HTML tutorial

Artificial Intelligence
Research Topic
IoT Framework and Cloud Library API Development -Based Diagnosis System with Machine Learning for Health Care

Alfandino Rasyid

S2 Electrical Engineering
HTML tutorial

Artificial Intelligence
Research Topic
IoT Framework and Cloud Library API Development -Based Diagnosis System with Machine Learning for Health Care

Muhammad Faiz

S2 Electrical Engineering
HTML tutorial

Control and Automation System
Research Topic
The control system for the Mechanum Wheel Automated Guided Vehicle uses a Sliding Mode Controller

Bachelor's Degree

2018 - 2022

Achmad Fatrian Romadhoni

D4 Computer Engineering
HTML tutorial

Mixed Reality, Platform Developer, computer engineering
Research Topic
Implementasi Smart Lab Terintegrasi Dengan Blockchain Dan Mixed Reality Sub Bab : Hololens

Zacky Maulana Achmad

D4 Computer Engineering
HTML tutorial

Mixed Reality, Platform Developer, computer engineering
Research Topic
Implementasi Smart Lab Terintegrasi Dengan Blockchain Dan Mixed Reality (Subbab) : Magic Leap

Furqonudin Toreh

D4 Computer Engineering
HTML tutorial

Voice Recognition, Platform Developer, computer engineering
Research Topic
Implementasi Smart Lab Terintegrasi Dengan Blockchain Dan Mixed Reality (Subbab) : Speech Recognition

Cahyo Arisabarno

D4 Computer Engineering
HTML tutorial

Blockhain, Platform Developer, computer engineering
Research Topic
Implementasi Smart Lab Terintegrasi Dengan Blockchain Dan Mixed Reality (Subbab) : Blockchain

Ridho Fathoni Prasetya

D4 Computer Engineering
HTML tutorial

Artificial Intelligence
Research Topic
Implementasi Smart Lab Terintegrasi Dengan Blockchain Dan Mixed Reality (Subbab) : Object Recognition

VOcational's Degree

2018 - 2022

Septina Tri Wulandari

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Sponsorship Toolkit For Immersiv Conference

Nur Fitria Larrasati

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Implementasi Mise en Scene Pada Video Dokumenter : Peran Gus Dur Terhadap Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng Jombang

Nike Suryawati

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic

Novanji Akbar Putra S.

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Penerapan teknik handheld pada pembuatan cinematography tentang slice of life

Fadiah Nurhayati

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Indoor Navigation Gedung Pascasarjana PENS

Syfana fatma zafira

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Perancangan aset 3d kampus pascasarjana untuk kebutuhan augmented reality

Ach. Mahrus

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Pembuatan aset 3D gedung pascasarjana PENS

Astitin Rofi'i

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Pembuatan Aset 3D untuk Aplikasi Social Virtual Reality (SVR)

Savina Nur Inayah

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Multimodel PSDKUVerse Berbasis eXtended Reality

Nanda Dharwies F.

D3 Teknologi Multimedia Broadcasting
HTML tutorial

Multimedia, Broadcasting, and Metaverse
Research Topic
Pengembangan Aset Indoor Pascasarjana