Internet of things

We are developing technology that seamlessly integrates into the Internet of Things (IoT) experiences. By blending IoT capabilities with the real world, we've created a dynamic ecosystem where users can engage in interactive and captivating scenarios. Our IoT technology leverages the latest advancements in IoT to connect digital elements with physical objects, enhancing real-life interactions with digital insights. Moreover, our IoT component enables users to access and control devices remotely, offering unparalleled convenience and automation. Through this innovation, we are reshaping how individuals interact with the IoT, unlocking new opportunities for automation, efficiency, and connectivity across industries.

Internet of things

Sistem Pemantau Kontainer pada Kapal dan Depo Berbasis Internet of Things

Sistem ini bertujuan untuk memantau kontainer dengan menggunakan perangkat IoT yang terpasang GPS dan LoRa di dalamnya. Data kontainer akan direkam dalam interval waktu tertentu. Harapannya, sistem ini mampu memberikan insight untuk meningkatkan efisiensi manajemen kontainer pada depo pelabuhan.

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Sistem Pemantau Kontainer pada Kapal dan Depo Berbasis Internet of Things

Smart Monitoring Athletic Platform

Athlete's on-track monitoring system using multi-sensor. Athlete's off-track monitoring system. Classification and analytic system for the athlete's motion

Video to Youtube
Smart Monitoring Athletic Platform

Integration VaaMSN and SEMAR - Intelligence Driving Assistance (IDA)

Integration Vehicle as a Mobile Sensor Network (VaaMSN) with Smart Environment Monitoring Analytics in Real-time (SEMAR) System for Intelligence Driving Assistance (IDA).

Video on Youtube
Integration VaaMSN and SEMAR - Intelligence Driving Assistance (IDA)